Our locations

We have over 12,000 people serving customers all over the world.

So whether you're based in the UK or overseas, we're here to help. Find an RSA office or company near you.

RSA in the UK

Head office London map

Head office

RSA Insurance Group Limited
Floor 8
22 Bishopsgate
United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)20 7111 7000

See on Google Maps
Horsham office map

RSA UK office

St Mark's Court
Chart Way
West Sussex
RH12 1XL
United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)140 323 2323

See on Google Maps

Our other UK brands

Insurance Corporation

Insurance Corporation has been part of the Channel Islands community since 1982 and is committed to finding customer-driven insurance solutions.

Tower Insurance

Our customers on the Isle of Man know us better as Tower Insurance. We've been the island's insurer for more than 90 years, with a range of products for individual customers and businesses.

RSA in Europe



Based in Antwerp, our team has extensive expertise in a wide range of industry sectors, including property, liability and marine.


With offices in Paris and Lyon, our team has extensive expertise in a wide range of industry sectors, including property, liability, marine and construction.


RSA Germany is now closed for new business. For questions on existing policies or any other queries, please contact us.


Based in Rotterdam, our team has extensive expertise in a wide range of industry sectors, including construction and infrastructure, rail and transportation, food and drink, retail and distribution, chemicals, and mechanical engineering and manufacturing.


Based in Madrid since 2009 and Barcelona since 2013, our team has extensive expertise in a wide range of industry sectors, including rail, retail, chemicals and pharmaceuticals, infrastructure and construction.