Social media commitment

We have a number of social media accounts to help us communicate and interact with our customers, investors, partners and the media. The ways we use social media are regularly reviewed and refined, however we are committed to being respectful and helpful at all times.

Official RSA Group social media accounts

The following social media accounts are managed by RSA’s Global Corporate Communications. If you have any feedback or questions about how we use social media, email Please note, we only post and respond to posts in English.

Twitter @RSAgroup

Latest news headlines from and about global issues affecting the Insurance industry, and RSA. Also comment and opinion from RSA's own experts and respected industry figures, with a particular focus on renewable energy, road safety, SME business growth and the role of climate change in extreme weather events.

LinkedIn /company/rsa

Meet and connect with RSA employees. Learn more about what makes RSA such a great place to work. See the latest career opportunities at RSA around the world. Also read the latest RSA news and comment with a particular focus on corporate responsibility, governance, leadership and development.

Facebook /rsainsurance

Stories, photographs and advice from our UK-based teams and charity partners reflecting how we're striving to make RSA a valued part of the local communities we work in.

YouTube /rsainsurancegroup

All our films in one place: ranging from interviews with and announcements by RSA's global leadership team, to road safety messages made for, or with the help of, our charity partners.

RSA's social media code of conduct

The most rewarding conversations in life are ones where all participants feel comfortable expressing diverse points of view and asking questions in an open and safe environment. It is exactly this kind of environment that we aim to nurture with RSA’s social media profiles and discussion forums.

We strive to publish information, comments and opinions that are thought-provoking, helpful, constructive, relevant and above all, respectful to everyone who may see or hear them.

We ask the same of anyone who visits and contributes to our social media timelines and online forums.

Moderating guidelines

We reserve the right to moderate content published on our social media timelines and online forums. This may include deleting contributions that don’t adhere to the standards of behaviour we’ve outlined below, either to the letter or in spirit. We also reserve the right to take further action at our discretion against offensive behaviour.

  1. We welcome debate and different points of view, but personal attacks, abuse or harassment of any kind, obscene, threatening or invasive material won’t be tolerated and will be deleted. Where contributions state facts, they must be accurate; where they state opinions, they must be genuinely held.
  2. We will not tolerate sexism, racism, homophobia or other forms of prejudice. Any posts that could be interpreted as such will be deleted.
  3. We acknowledge well-founded criticism of RSA, but we won’t permit misrepresentation of our companies or our employees.
  4. We will remove posts that we believe could be breaking the law including content that is potentially defamatory (whether of an individual or company) or that is in potential breach of another person’s intellectual property.
  5. While any opinions posted are not necessarily the views of RSA, but of the person who posted them, we nevertheless reserve the right to delete content that we believe is not relevant to the discussion. This would include, for example, posts for commercial gain, posts without content and posts with links to irrelevant websites.
  6. We will delete any content that we judge as having the potential to bring RSA into disrepute.
  7. We will remove any posts that are used to impersonate any person, or which misrepresent your identity or affiliation with any person.

Reporting a problem

If you wish to report any offensive content or have a question, suggestion or general feedback about RSA’s social media accounts, email