Tradespeople and Homeworkers insurance
Brokers can trade our Tradespeople and Homeworkers insurance online. Providing cover for over 450 trades.
Cover for Tradespeople and Homeworkers
Tailored for the self-employed, sole traders, small traders, and homeworkers. If you're an RSA-registered broker, you can start trading with us straight away online.
Tradespeople who work at third-party locations, and do not operate from their own business premises, for example:
- Builders
- Plumbers
- Gardeners
- Cleaners
- Hairdressers
Homeworkers or businesses that operate solely from their own home address, for example:
- Consultants
- Accountants
- Surveyors
- Cake makers
- Homecrafts
What's included in our Tradespeople and Homeworkers cover?
Included as standard:
- Public Liability: limits of £1 million, £2 million, £5 million and £10 million are available
- Legal Expenses
Optional cover:
- Employers' Liability: up to £10 million limit
- Tools: up to £25,000 per employee, including theft from vehicle overnight
- Business Stock: up to £25,000 for storing materials at own premises
- Business Equipment: up to £25,000 to items not covered under 'tools'
- Contract Works: up to £750,000 sum insured
- Own Plant: up to £75,000 sum insured
- Hired-In Plant: up to £75,000 sum insured
- Personal Accident: for permanent staff for employment-related accidents;
- up to £35,000 for death and capital benefits
- £500 per week for temporary total disablement
- £200 per week for temporary partial disablement
Get a quick quote online
It's easy to start trading with us. Answering just 5 questions with our quick quote tool will get you an indicative price.
Wider eligibility
We have widened our eligibility by allowing up to 15 permanent employees per policy.
Quotes without referral
Over 98% of quotes are answered without referral through your software house*.

Tradespeople insurance rated by experts
Defaqto liked our Tradespeople insurance policy so much they gave it 5 Stars!
You can recommend Tradespeople cover to your clients with confidence, giving them added peace of mind.

Positive risks allowing for a quick quote
If your client's business falls within the below criteria, we may be able to offer a particularly good deal:
- Businesses with less than 2 permanent employees
- Established businesses
- Negligible or low food risks
- Low claims frequency
- Length of time in the business
Negative risks for this product
Please note, there are some risks we don't cover, or only write as a small part of a wider portfolio:
- Individual risks with more than 15 employees
- Policyholders with dedicated business premises away from their home address
- Roofing and scaffolding risks
- Agriculture or farming risks
- Project management risks
- Working at height of more than 15 metres, or depth greater than 3 metres
- Contract works greater than £750,000

Dedicated claims team
Documents and downloads
December 2023. Highlighting changes to policy wordings.
1 December 2023. A summary of the main policy features and benefits, and any significant exclusions or limits.
1 December 2023. Full policy wording.