The results are in!

The Insurance Times have released their 2024 annual eTrading broker survey results. Find out how RSA ranked.

30 May 2024

RSA colleagues at BIBA 2024 holding Insurance Times e-trade survey results

For the 10th year running, the Insurance Times have carried out their annual eTrading survey. The survey aims to get brokers' opinions, attitudes and satisfaction levels based on eTrading services they use from insurance partners and software house providers.

The 2024 survey, carried out between January and March, had more than 700 brokers take part.

We've pulled out RSA's results and highlights from the report:

Our overall trading rating is up on last year

RSA Online's trading performance has significantly improved. Our rating has risen to 4 stars and we've advanced to 4th place in the overall rankings.

Our software house platforms trading rating has risen

RSA's rating for trading via a software house platform has shown great progress. We've been awarded 4 stars and are now in 3rd place of the overall rankings.

What else has been happening in the e-trade space?

We know that when you trade online, you want a simple, swift experience that helps you do more business. We've heard and acted on previous broker feedback to deliver positive changes including:

  • Streamlining the online journey
  • Refining our product wording
  • Fine-tuning underwriting rules

So far, we've delivered 350 improvements to RSA Online. The result? A fast, seamless, self-service journey from risk capture to renewal.

And that's not all - 9 of our e-traded products have this year been awarded 5-Star Defaqto ratings.