Our partnership with The International SeaKeepers Society

We've signed up to support SeaKeepers' global Citizen Science programme.

8 August 2024

In June 2024, we launched our new partnership with The International SeaKeepers Society (SeaKeepers) to support marine science and conservation as their 2024 Corporate Citizen Science Programme Partner. Through their DISCOVERY Yacht Programme, SeaKeepers engage privately owned vessels for research, educational outreach, and marine conservation.

Throughout our partnership, we are supporting a number of global scientific projects that enable vessel owners and crew to participate in ongoing research. These projects include:

  • Instrument deployment
  • Data collection
  • Water sampling
  • Best practices for vessels

The International SeaKeepers Society encourages yacht owners to protect the oceans. With support from partners like RSA, SeaKeepers will grow its scientific reach and global impact for the future of our oceans.

Want to know more?

Watch The International SeaKeepers Society video to hear more about their work and how they support ocean conservation through research and education.

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Citizen Science programmes

We are supporting various SeaKeepers projects, including:

Neuston Net Research Collective

This unique collective connects the academic world and the international yachting community. This is in an effort to conserve and understand our oceans through scientific research.

This collective features one common theme - they all use a Neuston Net. This is a fine mesh net, often towed behind boats to collect samples of algae, plastics, plankton, seawater and more. This allows vessels to sample different geographical locations around the world.

One project within the collective is organised by the microplastic research group at the National Oceanography Centre (NOC). Their research addresses some of the crucial questions around microplastics in the ocean, including their fate and ecological effects, to understand the impact it has on marine ecosystems and human life.

Seabed 2030 project

This is a global Citizen Science initiative to map the world’s oceans by 2030. The project is a collaboration to provide and manage small hardware data loggers that are used to collect bathymetric data. The project was launched at the United Nations (UN) Ocean Conference in June 2017, and is aligned with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal #14 to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources.

Through the programme, SeaKeepers are working with private vessels around the world to record depth measurements from navigation instruments while at sea. These yachts explore the world’s oceans, often in areas where data is sparse, non-existent or of poor quality. Contributions from locations like these can have the greatest impact on mapping the seafloor.

Tracking White Sharks with environmental DNA

The Great White Shark is an important species within marine ecosystems. They serve as top predators and keep the populations of other organisms in balance. While large in size, they can be elusive thanks to their ability to live entirely below the water’s surface, often travelling to great depths. Researchers at Virginia Tech University are using cutting-edge technologies to investigate the species in the Mediterranean Sea.

SeaKeepers’ vessel network is supporting this project by collecting environmental DNA (eDNA) samples from the water column, which once refined, will uncover the hidden movements of Great White Sharks.

Green Marine Programme

RSA and SeaKeepers recognise yachting’s environmental impact and promote sustainable practices, encouraging behavioural shifts. Vessel owners can wield substantial influence, and therefore can educate owners about their role in the environment.

Through SeaKeepers' Green Guide to Boating and Green Marine Programme, we encourage yacht owners to become better ocean stewards and take a proactive role in protecting the marine environment.

We're really pleased and proud to support the fantastic and worthwhile work The International SeaKeepers Society do, as SeaKeepers 2024 Corporate Citizen Science Programme Partner. With a long heritage in Marine and a growing Superyacht practice, SeaKeepers mission and the DISCOVERY Yacht programme really resonated with us. The Global Citizen Science programme is clearly aligned to our strategy around building resilient communities, none more so than the world’s oceans. Supporting ocean research and mitigating climate change through marine science research is core to our ESG strategy.
Calvin Gray - Marine Director at RSA
At SeaKeepers, our mission is clear: to confront the critical challenges of our oceans through collaborative efforts between the public and private sectors. We are pleased to announce RSA as our Corporate Citizen Science partner. Their dedication to our DISCOVERY Yacht programme will amplify our global impact and outreach. We take immense pride in partnering with RSA as we continue to deliver impactful conservation, research and education solutions through our global programming.
Gill Rodrigues - Director of International Relations at SeaKeepers