Renewable Energy
Building on our experience in Construction and Engineering, RSA has developed excellence in the Renewable Energy sector.
With over 30 years’ experience in this area, we remain committed to the sector and are one of the only composite insurers who continue to provide insurance solutions for both the construction phase and the operational requirements of all major renewable energy asset types.
Risk Appetite:
- Wind Energy – Onshore wind installations more than 500kW meeting RSA risk control standards*
- Solar Energy – Ground mounted solar installations with adherence to security and maintenance standards. Roof mounted assets on non-combustible buildings
- Hydro Energy – Run of the river & Archimedes screw hydro schemes less than 10MW meeting RSA risk control standards*
- Bio Energy – Biogas risks meeting RSA risk control standards. Biomass heating systems less than 500kW are subject to risk control standards*
- Short Term Operating Reserve (STOR) – Utility scale (500kW to 20MW) commercial installations meeting RSA risk control standards*
- Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) – Utility scale (500kW to 20MW) commercial installations meeting RSA risk control standards*
* This includes being of proven design and having been installed, operated and maintained by industry experts and in line with original equipment manufacturers' requirements.
Contact us for a quote
To find out more and get a quote, please speak to your account manager or underwriting specialist in your region.